The Modern Girl is a musical comedy with book, lyrics, and music by P.R. Pinnock. A concert reading, directed by Wade Willis, was performed in July 2014 with the following performers:

Harry Richardson: Brian Bartley
Clay Collum: Todd Tschida
Polly Duff: Debbie Hunter
Rex Van Zile: Mathew Brown
Myrtle Davis: Kate Carson
Mrs Davis: Sarah Dresser
Mrs Van Zile: Wendy Martel Vilkin
Mr Walter Pierce: Shawn Rogers
Parker: Ella Carson
piano accompaniment: Darcy White

Here are sample songs from the reading

Harry and Clay, used to city living, adjust to the wilds of the Hamptons.

The time is circa 1920. Rex is in love with Myrtle, but she is only interested in good works, like saving drunkards. Rex can’t drink, but his friends Harry and Clay decided she will be interested in him if he needs saving from a seductress. Clay’s cousin Polly, who has dropped in for a visit, is recruited to pose as the seductress, the “famous” French actress Mlle de Bouthillier. But Rex falls for Polly, Polly’s stepfather shows up looking for her, Harry proposes to Myrtle on behalf of Rex, Myrtle thinks he’s proposing for himself, and only at the last minute does it all end happily.

Polly, as Mlle de Boutthillier, auditions to sing for Myrtle’s fundraiser for her temperance house.

Mrs Van Zile, Mrs Davis, and Myrtle discuss Mlle de Bouthillier.

Harry primes Myrtle for a proposal of marriage on Rex’s behalf.