The Gentlemen’s Ploy takes place during what appears to be the 18th century, but isn’t quite, in a country that appears to be England, but isn’t quite. It concerns two young gentlemen who have run through their modest fortunes and have decided they need to marry into money. But to get rich wives they need to appear rich themselves.

Consequently, they go to a town where they’re not known, one pretending to be rich and the other pretending to be his footman (roles that will be reversed in the next town). Things do not go smoothly, what with a gang of highwaymen based at the inn, the innkeeper’s daughter falling in love with the “footman,” and an acquaintance of theirs due to arrive in town and give them away. Fortunately, it all works out.

A first draft has been completed and is awaiting a full reading. From time to time I will post demo versions of songs from the show (which are really quite wonderful).